The process below illustrates how to configured portal administration rights for additional IP Office service users. Each IP Office service user is a member of one or several rights groups. It is the rights group settings that control what the service user can do, including their level of one-X Portal for IP Office server access.

By default, the one-X Portal for IP Office server uses "referred authentication". That means that the portal administration access rights are assigned to IP Office service users configured in the security settings of the IP Office service running on the same server.

If "referred authentication" is disabled on the IP Office, the portal uses its own local Administrator account for access to the administration menus, and a local Superuser account for access to the AFA menus. The passwords for these local accounts are stored by the portal service and are not part of the IP Office security settings.

To view and adjust rights group settings:

1.Using IP Office Manager, select File | Advanced | Security Settings.

2.Select the IP Office system and click OK.

3.Enter the name and password for access to the IP Office system's security settings.

4.Select manager_icon_rights_group Rights Groups.

5.Select the External tab. This tab include settings for level of portal access allowed to members of the rights group.

One-X Portal Administrator
Access to the portal administrator menus.

One-X Portal Super User
Access to the portal AFA menus.

6.Select a particular rights group in the list to see what level of access the rights group has.

7.If you make any changes, click OK.

8.Click on the icon save config to save the changes.

To change a service user's rights group memberships:

1.Using IP Office Manager, select File | Advanced | Security Settings.

2.Select the IP Office system and click OK.

3.Enter the name and password for access to the IP Office system's security settings.

4.Select manager_icon_service_user Service Users.

5.Select the service user. The details shows the rights group of which that service user is a member.