

每个 IP Office 中继卡提供固定数量的中继端口和支持固定数量的数字信道的数字中继端口。默认情况下,IP Office 配置将拥有所有可能中继和信道的设置。


icon_warning 如果不禁用将会导致去电出现问题。例如,在安装有 ATM4 中继卡但是实际只连接了两个模拟中继的系统上,无法禁用 IP Office 配置内的另外两个中继将会导致 50% 的去电尝试失败。


1.在 IP Office 配置内,选择icon large line Line(线路)。
Trunk Type(中继类型)设为 Out of Service(不在服务中)
line analog out of service
BRI、E1 PRI、S0 以及 QSIG 中继
line number of channels
T1、T1 PRI 以及 E1R2 中继
选择 Channels(信道)选项卡。选择未使用的信道,并单击 Edit(编辑)
line t1pri out of service
对于 T1,将 Type(类型)设为 Out of Service(不在服务中)
对于 T1 PRI,将 Admin(管理)字段设为 Out of Service(不在服务中)
对于 E1R2 中继,将 Line Signalling Type(线路信号传输类型)设为 Out of Service(不在服务中)



© 2010 Avaya LLC
15-601042 CHS Issue 21.e.-
14:05, 30 March 2010

Performance figures, data and operation quoted in this document are typical and must be specifically confirmed in writing by Avaya before they become applicable to any particular order or contract. The company reserves the right to make alterations or amendments at its own discretion. The publication of information in this document does not imply freedom from patent or any other protective rights of Avaya or others.

All trademarks identified by (R) or TM are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively of Avaya LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Last Modified: 10/03/2010