IP Office Basic Edition - Quick Mode ETR User Guide: Call Handling
Using Handsfree
The ETR 6D, ETR 18D, ETR 34D telephones each have a speaker and microphone which you can turn on by pressing SPKR.
In addition, on the ETR 6D, ETR 16D and ETR 34D telephones, you can turn just the microphone on and off by pressing MIC/HFAI. When the green light next to MIC/HFAI is on, the microphone is on.
Room acoustics and background noise can affect the proper operation of the speakerphone. To ensure that your speakerphone works effectively, follow these guidelines:
Avoid placing your telephone in areas with high background noise caused by sources such as motor vehicles, manufacturing equipment, loud voices, radios, printers, copiers, typewriters, other noisy office equipment or heater and air conditioning fans.
Avoid talking before the other person is finished speaking. When you both talk at the same time, only one person’s voice comes through.
Do not use your speaker to make announcements over a loudspeaker paging system connected to your telephone system.
When talking, always face your telephone and stay within two feet of it.
Place your telephone at least six inches (15 cm) away from the edge of your desk.
If you have difficulty hearing the other party, try increasing the speaker volume. If you have background noise, try turning off the microphone when the party at the other end is speaking and turning it on when you speak. If the difficulty persists, lift your handset to continue the conversation.
In conference rooms, a separate speakerphone is recommended, since the built-in speaker on a system telephone is designed for individual use.
To Make a Call Without Lifting the Handset
Press SPEAKER or SPKR to get a dial tone
Dial the number, you hear the call ringing. When the other party answers, you can talk without lifting the handset.
To Switch Modes
If you are already on a call, you can switch from the handset to the speakerphone by pressing SPEAKER or SPKR and then hanging up the handset.
If you are using the speakerphone and want to switch to the handset, lift the handset. The speaker and microphone are turned off.
On ETR phones, to turn off the microphone when you are using the speaker, press MIC/HFAI. This will mute your voice so the other party cannot hear you.
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