In order to install and maintain an IP Office system you must be familiar with using the following applications.
•IP Office Manager
This is a Windows based application. IP Office Manager is used to access all parts of the IP Office configuration. Different levels of access can be defined to control which parts of the configuration the user can view and alter. IP Office Manager is also used to upgrade the software files used by an IP Office system.
•IP Office Manager Version
It is important to download and install the correct version of the IP Office administration suite including IP Office Manager.
•For system installation, you should use the version of IP Office Manager that matches the IP Office release required on the system. This sets the version of software loaded when recreating the System SD card.
•For system maintenance, the version of IP Office Manager used sets the version of software uploaded to a system when upgrading the system.
•For system configuration, IP Office Manager Version 12.0 is backwards compatible for systems running software from IP Office Release 6.0 upwards. IP Office Manager cannot load the configuration of an IP Office system running a higher version of software.
•Admin Lite Not Supported
Note that the IP Office Manager installed using the AdminLite installer is not the full version. It runs in English only and does not include the files needed for actions such as system upgrades, SD card recreation, etc. To fully support systems, ensure that you install the full IP Office Administration suite installer (approximately 1.52GB compared to the 230MB AdminLite installer).
•IP Office Web Manager
Following installation, the configuration for an IP500 V2 system can also be accessed via web browser using the same service user accounts as used for IP Office Manager.
•Phone Based Administration
For systems running in IP Office Basic Edition mode, many features can be administered using phone based administration from either of the first two extensions in the system.
•System Status Application
System Status Application (SSA) is a reporting tool that provides a wide range of information about the current status of an IP Office system. It reports the available resources and components within the system and details of calls in progress. Details of alarms current and historical alarms are shown. When required for diagnostics escalation, SSA can take a snap shot image of the IP Office system's status including a copy of its current configuration.
•Monitor (System Monitor)
System Monitor is a tool that can show the activity on the IP Office system in great detail. As a consequence, interpretation of traces requires a high-level of data and telephony protocol knowledge. However, all IP Office installers and maintainers must know how to run Monitor to capture a trace as Avaya may request those traces to investigate support issues.