The IP Office administration suite of software is available as an orderable DVD. However, the software can also be downloaded from the Avaya support website (
•IP Office Manager Version
It is important to download and install the correct version of the IP Office administration suite including IP Office Manager.
•For system installation, you should use the version of IP Office Manager that matches the IP Office release required on the system. This sets the version of software loaded when recreating the System SD card.
•For system maintenance, the version of IP Office Manager used sets the version of software uploaded to a system when upgrading the system.
•For system configuration, IP Office Manager Version 12.0 is backwards compatible for systems running software from IP Office Release 6.0 upwards. IP Office Manager cannot load the configuration of an IP Office system running a higher version of software.
•Admin Lite Not Supported
Note that the IP Office Manager installed using the AdminLite installer is not the full version. It runs in English only and does not include the files needed for actions such as system upgrades, SD card recreation, etc. To fully support systems, ensure that you install the full IP Office Administration suite installer (approximately 1.52GB compared to the 230MB AdminLite installer).
•! IP Office Technical Bulletins
You must obtain and read the IP Office Technical Bulletin relating to the IP Office software release which intend to install. The bulletin contains important information that may not have been included in this manual. IP Office Technical Bulletins are available from the Avaya support website (
To download Avaya software:
1.Browse to and log in.
2.Select Support by Product and click Downloads.
3.Enter IP Office in the Enter Product Name box and select the matching option from the displayed list.
4.Use the Choose Release drop-down to select the required IP Office release.
5.Click Downloads. The page lists the most recently available downloads.
6.Click View Downloads for the full list of downloads.
7.Select the required software package for download.
8.The page displayed in a new tab or window, details the options for downloading that software. For IP500 installation, download the full administration package, not the separate binary files or the Admin lite download packages.
9.Also download the documents listed under the RELATED DOCUMENTS heading if shown.