The Manager Select IP Office menu normally displays IP Office systems discovered by Manager using either UDP broadcast and or TCP requests (see Setting the Discovery Addresses). Manager can be configured to also record details of discovered units and then display a list of those previously discovered ('known') IP Office systems.

Configuring Manager for Known System Discovery

Use of known systems discovery is not enabled by default. The IP Office Manager must be configured for the feature with a file location to which it can store and retrieve known system details.

1.Select File | Preferences.

2.Select the Directories tab.

3.In the Known Units File field, enter the directory path and file name for a CSV file into which Manager can write details of the IP Office systems it discovers. If the file specified does not exist it will be created by Manager.

4.Click OK.

Using Known System Discovery

1.When the Select IP Office screen is displayed click on Known Units.

2.The screen displays the list of IP Office systems previously discovered and stored in the CSV file.  

To select an IP Office control unit, highlight the row containing unit data and click OK. The selected unit will appear in the Select IP Office window.

To filter displayed units, type the first few characters of the unit name in the Filter field. Any unit whose name does not match the filter will be temporarily hidden.

Each discovery appends data to the known unit list. It is possible that details of some entries in the list may be out of date. Right clicking on the leftmost (grey) column of any row will bring up a floating menu offering the options of Refresh and Delete.

A new entry may be manually added without having to access the system first through normal discovery. Enter the IP address of the new system in the IP Address column of the blank row shown with a * and select Refresh from the floating menu. This will update the Known Units file with data relating to the unit with the specified address.

Select Cancel to return to the Select IP Office menu.



The key used by the Known Systems CSV file is the IP address. The file cannot contain entries for separate systems that use the same IP address for access.

The file can be made read only. In that case any attempts using Manager to update the file will be ignored.