Using the server's web control menus (also known as "platform view"), you can change the server's network settings.
Changing IP address and other network settings will require you to login again.
•* IMPORTANT: Security Certificate Field - Fields marked with a * symbol are used as part of the default security certificate generated by the server. If changed, the server generates a new default certificate, during which time access to the server is disrupted for several minutes. In addition, any applications using the certificate need to be updated with the new certificate.
To change the IP address:
1.Login to the server's web configuration menus.
2.Select Settings.
3.Select System.
4.Set the Network section as required.
•Network Interface
For the Unified Communications Module, this setting is fixed as eth0.1.
•Host Name
Sets the host name that the Unified Communications Module should use. This setting requires the local network to support a DNS server. Do not use localhost.
•For internal use, this value must be reachable by DNS within the customer network. If also supporting external client connections, it needs to be reachable by external DNS. Consult with the customer's IT support to ensure the name is acceptable and that routing to it has been configured correctly. External access must also include a firewall and/or SBC.
Do not use this setting with the Unified Communications Module.
•IP Address
Displays the IP address set for the server. The Unified Communications Module connects to the LAN1 interface of the IP Office and must have an address on that subnet. See IP Address Notes.
•Subnet Mask
Displays the subnet mask applied to the IP address.
•Default Gateway
Displays the default gateway settings for routing.
•System DNS
Enter the address of the primary DNS server.
•Automatically obtain DNS from provider
This control is not supported on the Unified Communications Module and so is greyed out.
5.Click Save. The server restarts.