This process will copy all system files not present on the System SD card and those files which have a different version to those already present on the card. This process can be used to refresh the card contents if it is suspected some files may be missing.

This process is not supported as a method of upgrading. It should only be used with the version of IP Office Manager that matches the software already being run by the system.

Admin Lite Not Supported
Note that the IP Office Manager installed using the AdminLite installer is not the full version. It runs in English only and does not include the files needed for actions such as system upgrades, SD card recreation, etc. To fully support systems, ensure that you install the full IP Office Administration suite installer (approximately 1.52GB compared to the 230MB AdminLite installer).

To upgrade a system using the embedded file manager

1.Using IP Office Manager, select File | Advanced | Embedded File Management.

2.Using the Select IP Office menu, select the IP Office system.

3.The file contents of the memory cards are displayed.

4.Select File | Backup System Files. The contents of the /primary folder on the System SD card will be copied to the /backup folder. This process takes approximately 6 minutes.

5.Select File | Upload System Files. The system files that IP Office Manager has will be uploaded to the /primary folder on the System SD card. This includes IP Office software files and Embedded Voicemail prompt files. It does not include phone firmware and bin files. Depending on the files that need to be updated, this process can take up to 40 minutes.