Telephony Features > Key System or PBX System

Outgoing Call Routing

Key System Mode

Each phone is configured with 2 Intercom buttons which cannot be changed. It is also configured with line appearance buttons for specific lines using the Number of Lines settings and individual button programming.

Internal calls are made by selecting one of the two Intercom buttons provided on each phone and then dialing the number of another extension or of the system feature required.

External calls are made by selecting one of the line appearance buttons programmed on the phone and then dialing the external number required.

If the user dials without selecting an Intercom or Line button first, the user's automatic line selection setting is used to determine which button, if available, gets used.


PBX System Mode

Each phone is configured with 3 call appearance buttons (2 only on ETR phones). These can be used to make both internal and external calls. The dialing of an external call can be indicated by the dialing starting with a specific prefix (9 or 0) if required, otherwise any number not matching an internal extension or function is assumed to be external.

The line used for an outgoing external call is determined by configuration settings. ARS Selectors are created which can be groups of lines or specific functions using any available ISDN lines. Different external number prefixes are then mapped to those ARS Selectors. When a user dials an external number, it is matched to a selector and uses the function and one of the lines specified by that selector.

Line appearances can still be used to make and answer calls on a particular line. They can also be used to make a calls.


Dialing Restrictions

In both modes, the system uses a number of methods to control the numbers users are allowed to dial or not.

Allowed Phone Number Lists
Used to specify telephone numbers that extensions associated with the list can dial regardless of other dialing restrictions.
Allowed List Assignments
Used to assign which allowed number lists an extension can use.
Disallowed Phone Number Lists
Used to specify telephone numbers that extensions associated with the list cannot dial.
Disallowed List Assignments
Used to assign up to which disallowed number lists are applied to an extension.
Emergency Phone Number List
Used to create a list of up to 10 telephone numbers that all extensions can dial regardless of dialing restrictions.
Outgoing Call Restriction
Use this feature to specify the types of outgoing calls that can be made on all lines at an extension.
Allow Remote Call Forwarding
All extensions can forward their incoming calls to another extension using call forwarding. This option is used to configure whether the extension can also forward calls to external numbers (remote call forwarding and cell phone connect).
System Password
When this optional password is set, users must enter it to turn Night Service on/off. Also, when night service is on, users in the Night Service Group must enter the password to make any outgoing calls except calls to emergency phone numbers and marked system speed dials.
Toll Call Prefix
Use this feature to indicate whether users must dial a 0 (for operator assisted calls) or 1 (for direct-dial calls) before the area code to make a long distance call or just the area code and number.


© 2011 Avaya LLC
- Issue 3.b.-
11:29, 22 March 2011

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Last Modified: 10/01/2011