This method of migration can be used with 1100 and 1200 Series phones that are curretly operating with a BCM system .

In order to upgrade your current firmware from UNIStim to SIP, you must first install the migration patch on the BCM. The BCM will then reboot and upload the new firmware to the applicable IP sets.

After applying the Migration patch, the BCM comes online and you are able to migrate the applicable IP sets to IPO through the automatic procedure outlined in Migration. After the migration, the user can log in to the phone as a SIP user, as described at the ends of Method 1 and Method 3.

Before you proceed, be aware of the assumptions and limitations and ensure that you meet the prerequisites.

Assumptions and Limitations

Offline sets are not included in this automatic migration.

The sets must be in the idle state.

The BCM UNIStim Sets must be well within their DHCP lease period(s).

BCM 50 R2 and lower releases will not be supported, unless upgraded.


If the following prerequisites are not met, the sets will not migrate to IP Office:

Working BCM installation, patched to the latest SU. Currently, the latest SU is SU 7.

Working IP Office, updated to the latest hardware/software, with users created.

In IP Office, the following mandatory configuration needs to be ensured, along with other required configurations:

oThe 'Phone File Server Type' should be set to 'Memory Card'.

oThe 'Avaya HTTP Clients Only' checkbox should be unchecked.