You can use the module's Web Manager menus to upgrade the module. This method allows the remote transfer of the ISO to the server from a file server using a range of protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, SSH) or from the user's browser. You can then either select an immediate upgrade or configure a scheduled upgrade.

Only use a Unified Communications Module specific C110 ISO file. Do not use other ISO files such as Server Edition ISO images.

! WARNING - Not Supported for Upgrades from Pre-R12.0
This method of upgrading is not supported for upgrading from pre-R12.0 releases. For example, from R11.1 to R12.0. The sever must be upgraded using the processes in the Upgrading Linux-Based IP Office Systems to R12.0 manual.

! Upgrade Warning
Upgrading shows a summary of the supported upgrade paths and methods. Before using any upgrade, refer to the IP Office Technical Bulletin for the IP Office release to confirm that Avaya supports the upgrade path and for any additional information that may not be in this manual.

! Backup Application Data
In all cases, always backup all application data to a separate location before upgrading. You can do this using the Web Manager menus.

Process Summary

1.Upgrade the IP Office System
The IP Office system must be upgraded to the target software release before the module is upgraded, including the addition of any necessary upgrade licenses.

Preferred License Change
On pre-IP Office Release 10 systems, the Unified Communications Module v1 granted the host system a virtual Preferred Edition license. That no longer applies for IP Office Release 10 and higher. Any systems being upgraded to IP Office Release 10 or higher must use the IP Office license migration process to retain the existing license.

2.Download the software
Download the R11.1 USB creator software and C110 ISO image.

3.Backup the applications
Backup the Voicemail Pro and one-X Portal for IP Office applications to a location other than the module. Refer to the separate documentation for the applications and their current level of software.

5.Transfer the ISO image
Use one of the possible methods to transfer the ISO image to the module.

Transfer from a remote file server

Transfer from a module path

Transfer from the browser

Transfer from a USB upgrade key

6.Upgrade the module
Select the upgrade server option in the Web Manager menus.

7.Check operation
Log in to the server.