You can select to receive reports for meet me conferences that you have scheduled (select Email Report when scheduling the conference). The report, in the form of a CSV text file, is emailed to you when the conference ends. That is when the last person exits the conference.

The report includes details such as the number of participants, when the conference started and ended and the time each participant joined and left the conference.

Bridge Details,30093009,Participants of Conference#,4,Start Time,10 February 2016 07:00:00 AM,EndTime,11 February 2016 08:00:01 AM

 ,,,,Time Zone,GMT+5:30,Duration(HH:MM:SS),25:00:00



Participant Name,Device,Start Time,End Time,Duration(HH:MM:SS) 

Eric Smith,30093009,10 February 2016 07:00:00 AM,10 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,01:00:00

,,11 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,11 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,01:00:00


John Brown,30103010,10 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,10 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,00:59:59

,,11 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,11 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,00:59:59


Paul Smith,912041019077,10 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,10 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,00:59:59

,,11 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,11 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,00:59:59


Mary White,912041019076,10 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,10 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,00:59:59

,,11 February 2016 07:00:01 AM,11 February 2016 08:00:01 AM,00:59:59

An Example CSV File Contents