The following process is a summary of the steps for installing a Unified Communications Module. Use this process if you are familiar with IP Office operation and configuration. For a more detailed installation process, proceed from the following section, Downloading Module Software. Allow up to 1 hour 30 minutes for the process, not including the downloading of the required software.

1. Prerequisites

Check that you have the following:

a.An IP500 V2 running IP Office Release 12.0. The system must have an Essential Edition and Preferred Edition license.

b.A Windows PC with IP Office Manager and System Status Application networked to the IP Office system. Test by opening the IP Office configuration and by connecting System Status Application.

c.A 5mm Flat-blade screwdriver plus anti-static wrist strap and ground point for module insertion.

d.A 4GB USB memory key.

e.An IP address to assign to the module. The address must be on the same subnet as the IP Office system's LAN1.

f.A server host name for the module to use on the customer's network.

g.The latest Unified Communications Module ISO image that matches the IP Office release and the Avaya USB Creator tool. See Downloading Module Software.

2. Prepare the USB Key for Installation

a.Using the downloaded Avaya USB Creator tool, prepare the USB installation key.

3. IP Office Configuration

Using IP Office Manager, check and change the following items in the IP Office configuration:

a.Click Control Unit and select the IP500 V2. Note the Version. This should match the software you downloaded for the module.

b.Click System and then LAN1 tab. On the LAN Setting sub-tab, note the IP Address.

c.Select the System tab. Set the Time Setting Config Source to either SNTP or None. Click OK.

d.Click icon save config to save the configuration back to the IP Office.

4. IP Office Security

The installation of the one-X Portal for IP Office service assumes that the EnhTcpaService user is set to the default password EnhTcpaPwd1. If this is not the case, set the IP Office security service user account back to that default password. You can change the password again after installation.

5. Shutdown the IP Office

Using IP Office Manager, shutdown the system (File | Advanced | System Shutdown). Only switch off power to the system when the each LED1 on the front of the unit and the CPU LED on the rear flash rapid red-amber. See System Shutdown.

6. Insert the Unified Communications Module and Software Installation Key

a.Insert the module into an empty slot in the system.

b.Reapply power to the system and wait for the system to restart.

c.Connect System Status Application to the IP Office and select the menu for Unified Communications Module as this shows the installation progress.

d.Insert the USB memory key into the upper USB slot on the module.

e.Once the system is running, shut down the UCM by pressing the top button on the module until the upper LED starts to flash green. The shutdown is complete once all module LEDs are off except for the regular system heartbeat (an amber flash every 5 seconds).

f.Restart the module by pressing the upper button until both amber LEDs turn off. Alternatively in System Status Application click USB Boot.

g.Allow the process to run until the status in System Status Application shows "Idle, card has not been ignited".

7. Ignite the Unified Communications Module

a.Using a web browser, enter https:// followed by the LAN1 address of the IP Office and :7071. For example https://<IP Office LAN1 address>:7071.

b.The login menu appears. The default name and password are root and Administrator.

c.Accept the license and click Next.

d.Enter IP address details valid for the same subnet used by LAN1 of the IP Office. Click Next.

e.Select which applications you want the module to run. Click Next.

f.Set the passwords for future access to the module and the services it runs. Click Next.

g.Accept the default time settings. Enter a hostname and click Next.

h.Select to either generate certificates or upload the certificates that the module should use. Click Next.

i.Download the certificates generated if any. Check the settings and if okay click Apply.

j.Add the certificates to your browser.

8. Initial Management Services Configuration

a.Using a web browser, enter https:// followed by the IP address given to the module during ignition and :7070.

b.The login menu appears. Enter Administrator and the password set for that user account during ignition.

c.Check that the details on the initial configuration menu are correct.

d.Click Apply.

9. Configure the Server Applications

Check and configure the server applications. See Voicemail Pro Configuration and one-X Portal for IP Office Configuration.

! Important: Check in the IP Office switch configuration that the Voicemail Type is set to Voicemail Pro on UC Module with the Voicemail IP Address set to match the module's IP address.